
ISTQB launches new Advanced Level Test Manager Syllabus!

06 Jun 2024

ISTQB launches new Advanced Level Test Manager Syllabus!
Last week ISTQB officially launched the new Advanced Level Test Manager Syllabus. This new syllabus reflects latest industry changes and demands, as well as today’s approaches to software development and testing.

According to ISTQB President Klaudia Dussa-Zieger,

“Following the successful launch and positive market response to the new Foundation Level V4.0, updating the Test Manager certification was the top priority for ISTQB. The syllabus structure has been thoroughly revised, with each section carefully reviewed and assessed. The result is a more concise and highly relevant syllabus that focuses on industry needs and supports projects using agile approaches and/or sequential methods. To better reflect the current practices in software development, it has even been renamed from Test Manager to Test Management.''

What does this ISTQB® CTAL® V3.0 release mean for training and exam providers?

● The V3.0 syllabus for CTAL-TM will be the prevailing current version.
● For accredited training courses, the syllabus requires a minimum of 1365 minutes (22 hours and 45 minutes) of instruction, distributed across the 3 chapters.
● As this is a major release, training course providers will require accreditation of their training materials, in accordance with the ISTQB® Accreditation Process and the CTAL-TM Accreditation Guidelines.

The sunset dates for the CTAL-TM 2012 certification will be:

• English syllabus, exams, and accredited training May 30, 2025
• Other language syllabi, exams, and accredited training November 30, 2025

However, holders of previous versions of the CTAL-TM certification will remain certified and will not be required to retake the exam, but may wish to consider taking the new V3.0 release to attest to the updated skills covered in this new CTAL-TM release.

Stay tuned for more news as the new CTAL Test Manager Syllabus exam will be coming to SEETB too very soon!

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South East European Testing Board is part of The International Software Testing Qualifications Board (ISTQB). South East European Testing Board and ISTQB are both internationally recognized, independent and non-profit organizations.
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