Advanced Level

The ISTQB Advanced Level Qualification is the next logical move for professional testers who’re ready for promotions and better positions. This qualification builds on the theoretical knowledge and practical skills first acquired by passing the ISTQB Foundation Level examination. This exam is a good decision for testers who have had sufficient experience at entry-level positions.

Applicants should have professional experience in software testing for at least 18 months. Testers, test analysts, test engineers, test consultants, test managers, user acceptance testers and software developers are all suitable to apply!

What are the entry criteria?

  • Candidates must hold the ISTQB Foundation Level Certificate;
  • Applicants should have put their knowledge to practice and have worked in the field of software testing for at least 18 months.

Given the scope and volume of the Advanced Level Syllabus, there are three distinct modules that encompass the roles and career paths available for specialization:

A specific exam and certification is available for each of these modules. When a Certified tester successfully achieves certification on these three modules - Test Manager, Test Analyst and Technical Test Analyst - they receive a “Full Advanced” certificate.

Specialist levels are a distinct, highly specialized group of exams. They are on a similar complexity level as the Advanced levels, but dive deeper into a specific theme in software testing.

Security Tester
Performance Testing
Gambling Tester
Game Testing
AI Testing
Automotive Software Tester


South East European Testing Board is part of The International Software Testing Qualifications Board (ISTQB). South East European Testing Board and ISTQB are both internationally recognized, independent and non-profit organizations.
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