
Call for Articles for issue 15 of Quality Matters is now extended!

Call for Articles for issue 15 of Quality Matters is now extended!
We have started the New Year in great fashion – Call for Articles has caused great interest and demand.

So, we decided to oblige and extend the deadline for the call! If you think you have some interesting ideas to share, or maybe some thoughtful experience or knowledge in the field of software testing, you can now send in your article until January 31.

You can read more about author requirements and possible topics here: ...

SEETEST 2023 dates and place are now official!

SEETEST 2023 dates and place are now official!
Time is quickly going by, and 2022 is almost over. So we are already working hard on the next edition of SEETEST in 2023 – and we are excited to announce the official dates and place of the conference!

SEETEST 2023 will take place in Bucharest, Romania and online on September 19-20, 2023. We are continuing our hybrid model, to include everyone that wants to learn, even from the comfort of their home.

September 19 will start with 8 half-day tutorials from some ...

Up to 70€ discount on ISTQB exams in Romania this December!

Up to 70€ discount on ISTQB exams in Romania this December!
Christmas is coming soon and we’ve already prepared our presents.

This December, take advantage of our Christmas Flash Romanian sale and get up to 70€ off
when you register for any ISTQB exam at SEETB!

  • 60€ off the price for the ISTQB Foundation Level exam
  • 70€ off the price for ISTQB Agile Tester Extension and all types of Advanced Level exams

Sign up and pay before December 31
to get the discount – ...

Call for Articles for issue 15 of Quality Matters is now open!

Call for Articles for issue 15 of Quality Matters is now open!
Work on the next, 15th issue of Quality Matters magazine has now started, and so Call for Articles is opening again! If you think you have some interesting ideas to share, or maybe some thoughtful experience or knowledge in the field of software testing, send in your article before January 13, 2023.

You can read more about author requirements and possible topics here: ...


South East European Testing Board is part of The International Software Testing Qualifications Board (ISTQB). South East European Testing Board and ISTQB are both internationally recognized, independent and non-profit organizations.
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  • Address: Ivan Vazov district, 1 Balsha str., Fl. 3
    Sofia 1408, Bulgaria

  • Phone: +359 2 439 06 36

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