
Three months of discount for three types of ISTQB exams!

Three months of discount for three types of ISTQB exams!
This summer at SEETB we are helping you advance your career and professional qualifications with 20% off ISTQB Test Analyst, ISTQB Technical Test Analyst and ISTQB Test Manager. Register for one of these exams between June 1 and August 31 and get a 20% discount on the exam price. Once you register, you can take your exam up to 6 months after registration – so you have time to prepare and be successful.

Who knows, this might be the perfect time to get all three qualifications and ...

Vipul Kocher returning as a tutorial speaker at SEETEST 2022!

Vipul Kocher returning as a tutorial speaker at SEETEST 2022!
We are proud to announce our second tutorial speaker at SEETEST 2022 – Vipul Kocher! Vipul has been a longtime speaker at SEETEST and is President of Indian Testing Board and founder of – an AI model assurance product company. With over 26 years of experience in various capacities with leading companies, Vipul consults companies on how to test AI based systems and is currently engaged in researching and developing techniques for testing of AI-ML based systems. He is also a ...

Call for Articles for Issue 14 of Quality Matters is now open!

Call for Articles for Issue 14 of Quality Matters is now open!
As we are starting preparations for the next issue of the magazine, we are once again working on seeking out promising young talent in the field of software testing. If you think you have some interesting ideas to share, or maybe some thoughtful experience or knowledge, you can contribute to the magazine before July 15.

Read up more on what our expectations, requirements and possible writing topics are here and ...

Presenting our first tutorial speaker at SEETEST 2022 – Pablo Garcia Munos!

Presenting our first tutorial speaker at SEETEST 2022 – Pablo Garcia Munos!
Pablo has over 20 years of international experience in software testing and consultancy and is a regular speaker at multiple software testing conferences around the world. He has also been a trainer in the field since 2001 and has released a book on test design. Having started his professional journey in Ericsson in 1996, now years later he has started his own company – Sharpness AB where he resides as a specialist in development and testing.

Pablo will be speaking about what it ...


South East European Testing Board is part of The International Software Testing Qualifications Board (ISTQB). South East European Testing Board and ISTQB are both internationally recognized, independent and non-profit organizations.
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    Sofia 1408, Bulgaria

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